• Yerba Mate

Yerba Mate

Yerba mate is used to make a beverage known as mate. It is traditionally consumed in central and southern regions of South America, primarily in Paraguay, as well as in Argentina, Uruguay, southern and central-western Brazil. The infusion, called mate in Spanish-speaking countries is prepared by filling a container, typically a gourd, up to three-quarters full with dry leaves of the mate plant, and filling it up with water at a temperature of 160 – 180 F, but not boiling. Sugar may or may not be added. The liquid is commonly used in energy drinks because it has a high caffeine content. Yerba Mate can also be made cold. Recommended brewing : 2 grams in 10 ounces water. Steeping time 5-6 minutes at 200 F. A roasted version is also available. See Roasted Mate.