• Peach Black Iced Tea
  • Peach Black Iced Tea

Peach Black Iced Tea

Package contains 4 filter bags. Each bag makes 1 gallon of delicious Iced tea. Simply put one bag into a pitcher or container, add 1/2 gallon of very hot water (about 200 F) and steep for 5-6 minutes. Remove the bag, add 1/2 gallon of cold water and pour into ice filled glasses. Sweeten to taste. The temperature of water plays a big part in the steeping / extraction process. The temperature of the water determines the strength and flavor of the tea and we encourage you to try different temperatures ranging from 160F - 212F (Boiling). You will be surprised at the change in flavor. For sun tea steep for several hours, and even longer for cold water brewed ice tea. These teas are also suitable for refrigerator brewing. Directions are available on each package. Always use spring water or soft water. Hard water will make the tea cloud when chilled.